Specialized webinars


A webinar is a class, seminar, course or any online event that is held in a web environment using the Internet in a completely interactive and two-way online at a specific time.

Instructors and attendees go online in the webinar environment and the instructor shares audio and video, presentation file, whiteboard, educational video clip or desktop, and attendees also listen to the instructor's presentation and, if necessary, can express their opinion or ask questions through a chat box or even audio and image.

Benefiting from experience, knowledge and technology in the past decade in holding e-Learning courses, Précon Company has provided a platform for holding specialized webinars on a very stable and easy-to-use platform called Moodle, had step towards transferring knowledge to Learners with maximum productivity and efficiency.

You can contact us to hold your webinars. Précon provides services and advice to you, by using its experience in the Netherlands in organizing webinars.


Advantages of webinars:

Access to the courses through a computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone (Android, iPhone, etc.), which reduces time and money spent on the class.

No need to install any other software or plugins

Tutor and learners visual and auditory connection

The interaction of the training course in such a way that it is possible for the participants to communicate through audio and video

Feasibility of asking and answering questions during the course in chat box

Feasibility of using a variety of files

Access all files and feasibility of downloading them

Ability to use advanced whiteboards with different functions

Online whiteboard available

Access to recorded video at the end of the course, so the training can be watched again and again

Feasibility of sharing the instructor’s desktop

Feasibility of sharing videos and audio files by the instructor during the course

The list of attendees in the course is available at any time of the webinar

Waiting room for users before the webinar starts

Holding tests and surveys during webinars

Ability to check the students list

Very easy to use and completely stable using the Internet all over Iran

welcome to Précon

Dear graduate and technical manager,

Welcome to the website of Précon Iran. The company specializes in consulting the implementation of quality management systems and training in the food industry. The training platform and specialized courses of this company are designed by Dutch experts and are offered in Iran with the cooperation and approval of the Food and Drug Administration to technical officials and food industry enthusiasts. We hope that the training courses of this company will be beneficial in line with your activities in the country's food industry.